Is board gaming a waste of time?

Playing, in all its forms, is an integral part of a child's development. For them, any object or circumstance is an opportunity to play. As they grow older, obligations gradually become integrated. First, there is the start of school with its structured learning moments interspersed with playtime. Then, homework and lessons diminish these precious minutes. Next comes secondary school, where having friends becomes of great importance. Playing starts to become taboo, unless, of course, it involves a screen! Finally, adulthood brings us so many responsibilities: studies, work, bills to pay, maintaining a house, children, and more. An adult has so much to do, so is taking the time to play a board game not a major waste of time?
Behind a game lie unsuspected benefits. We present you with five of them.
5 major benefits of board games
1 — Socialisation
Although many board games offer a solo mode, the term "jeu de société" implies playing in a group. Around the table, we interact with other humans and break out of our isolation. Moreover, some games have been specifically designed to break the ice, create a lively atmosphere, and provoke discussions.
2 — Living adventures without a screen.
As mentioned in a previous post, playing a board game means being part of its story. By reading the rules and placing the pieces, we discover a problem that we are invited to solve by reaching goals and objectives. For example, we match pairs in a memory game, ART•ZY FAM•LY asks us to reunite families, etc.
Of course, all of this is possible with a video game console, but what do we do when electricity is not accessible? Moreover, aren't we already spending a lot of time in front of a screen? It is time to give our precious eyes a rest.
3 — Working on our social skills.
Improving our social skills is not limited to childhood; it is a lifelong endeavor. From respecting rules and others (turn-taking or opinions) to fostering teamwork in a cooperative game, we are constantly challenged.
4 — Improvement of our mental capacities.
To succeed in a board game, one must think about the best strategy to adopt, use our sense of logic while stimulating our ability to concentrate. Indeed, we focus on the present moment: other players' turns, our own possibilities, and mental calculations.
5 — Challenging limits and experiencing firsts.
In a game, anything is possible and the consequences are limited to its framework. Killing, betraying, stealing, and destroying become encouraged practices. Not to mention, we can overcome our shyness and fear of ridicule by stepping into the shoes of a character or simulating a situation.
After all, it's just a game... It's not real life!
A positive thought.
By playing, we keep our minds young and vibrant. With this positive thought, we wish you a lot of enjoyment:
We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing.
George Bernard Shaw.
Catherine Watts Cowan
Passionate about games
Lalita’s Art Shop
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