Inspiration BOOST : ZAIRE

Your "Inspiration Boost" tickets showcase the artists of Lalita's Art Shop and celebrate their work! As we love to introduce you to new talents and give you a little inspiration "BOOST" in your day, we invite you to take just 2 minutes to get to know them and immerse yourself in their universe!
For the month of August, we want to highlight the strong comeback of the young and talented Zaire!
Presentation ! In a few words, who are you and what do you do?
ZAIRE - Carl Hugo. Web graphic designer and photography.
Have photography and digital image editing always been your favorite artistic disciplines? How did you come to work with them?
Oh, yes! Before, I used to draw a lot, and I found it time-consuming. With photography, I can quickly capture a portrait and play around with it on the computer! (And easily go back if needed!)
Apart from photography, what other mediums or disciplines do you enjoy working with at the moment?
I spend a lot of time building Lego sets
What are the subjects that you particularly enjoy photographing? Why?
Faces and hands. I don't know why... Faces have a universal aspect, and hands have something graphical about them.
Nommes-nous 3 artistes qui ont eu un réel impact dans ton travail et pourquoi ?
Léolo, mon partenaire! Il m'a vraiment influencé avec sa musique et sa démarche minutieuse et organique. Olicorno, artiste québécois qui me motive tellement, je le vois grandir en tant qu'artiste et je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ça me motive. Il m'aide beaucoup à me recentrer quand ça “feel” so-so artistiquement. Pour mon 3e choix, je vais dire Lady Gaga, (lol) parce qu'elle fusionne tellement bien la culture populaire et l’art. Elle possède une démarche artistique que je trouve intéressante surtout quand tu apprends à connaître son travail.
What is the best advice you have received as an artist, or the most important thing you have learned and wish you had known at the very beginning of your career?
Amy Winehouse, in an interview, said that when she was being rushed by her label to release a new album, she responded, "Give me the time and I will make a great album." Similarly, Alexander McQueen expressed something similar by saying, "Give me the time and I will make a revolution." Unfortunately, both artists have passed away (RIP). Is it a sign?
Do you have any future projects that you would like to share with us?
I would love to have an exhibition and create a beautiful coffee table book priced at $50... or both!
New AH2020 Collection
For the new AW2020 collection, we are thrilled to announce the strong comeback of ZAIRE, also known as Carl-Hugo. He presents us with three different ultra-graphic designs. Once again, these visuals boast vibrant colors and layered lines reminiscent of urban rhythms, creating mesmerizing abstract patterns! The result is a unisex collection of beanies and tubes for performance enthusiasts who love to add style to their workouts!
Here's a sneak peek of the upcoming collection, arriving very soon
Discover our product collection, including our famous beanies and tubes, by clicking here by clicking here.
Here's a short video created by ZAIRE - Carl-Hugo.
To know everything and not miss anything on the work of Zaire,
Instagram : @zairecarlhugo
Facebook : @zairephoto
Website :
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J’adore ! Créations ultra colorées, contemporaines et qui s’agence avec tout ! Quelle belle découverte artistique ce jeune homme !
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